للمشاهدة من مصادر اخرى ... المصدر الأول ||||| المصدر الثاني
One تعليق
Assalam alikum.
Thanks for your website specially the live stream of Makkah, but lately we have issue watching Makkah live. it’s lagging and the quality really bad, can not watch it at all.
Hopefully you can fix the issue soon insha’Allah, because we play the stream of Makkah in our islamic shop here in Australia.
May Allah reward you all.
One تعليق
Assalam alikum.
Thanks for your website specially the live stream of Makkah, but lately we have issue watching Makkah live. it’s lagging and the quality really bad, can not watch it at all.
Hopefully you can fix the issue soon insha’Allah, because we play the stream of Makkah in our islamic shop here in Australia.
May Allah reward you all.
Assalam Alikum.